About Doctor Eva

Dr Eva Jackson
To enable people to talk about their sexual health with the doctor of their choice without embarrassment in an open, safe and non-judgemental atmosphere. I want to see the barriers that prevent people discussing their sexual health concerns with their doctors break down to encourage people to take control of their sexual health and give confidence to doctors to be able to help patients with their sexual health with as much confidence as they can treat a heart or lung complaint. There lies the need for a Sexual Health Physician. We don’t do anything special in medicine, but we do bring many medical disciplines together to form a cohesive place for people to discuss any and all of their sexual health issues to a professional who literally has sex on their mind constantly and is keeping up to date withall the evidence in sexual medicine. I am a generalist and I like it that way. I like to open the journals from AIDS to Contraception to Journal of Sexual Health Medicine. I like to follow the ID physician blogs to the Sex therapy blogs. I see as many men as women in my practice as well as transgender and transsexual people.
I have particular interest and expertise in:
- Women’s Health
- recurrent vaginal discharge
- vulval vaginal pain and dermatology
- contraception to reproduction to menopause
- sexual dysfunction
- Men’s Health
- erectile dysfunction
- premature ejaculation
- sexual dysfunction
- hormone therapy
- HIV and STIs
- I have extensive experience in testing, management and counselling for HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Your GP may decide to refer you for specialist management of these conditions
- Also many publicly funded sexual health clinics will provide these services for free if you identify with a priority population. Call the Sexual Health Infolink for more details on 1800 451 624 or www.shil.nsw.gov.au
Current Position
I currently work for NSW Health as a Sexual Health Physician and in private practice. I have been the Clinical Director of Nepean Blue Mountains Sexual Health & HIV Clinics since 2011 and Head of Department in Sexual Health for Nepean Hospital since 2017.
I graduated from the University of Tasmania in 1997 and did my specialist training in Canberra Hospital and RPA in Sydney. I was awarded my Fellowship from the Royal Australian College of Physicians, Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine in 2005 (FAChSHM).
How did I end up here? I never knew this discipline existed when I was in Medical school. However, in my final year, under my name in the year book, there is a caption: “Running a busy Kings Cross practice”. I’ve never actually worked in Kings Cross, but it seems my peers knew where I was heading. I wanted to do Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I had romantic dreams of delivering lots of babies. I saw a job for a registrar (training doctor) in Canberra in Sexual Health and I knew I had to give a go. After all, to have babies, one must have sex. Thought I had better know more about it (from a medical perspective of course). Did a few months and I was hooked, thank you Dr Vanita. Never looked back and glad I don’t have the grueling hours of an obstetrician. They are truly amazing and wonderful people.
Been doing this for 20 years now. Time flies!